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The party of FLN win the election at Setif (Algeria)
Mohamed DIB is the new mayer of Setif city
vendredi 30 novembre 2007, par
The candidate of the National Liberation Front (FLN), Mohamed Dib, was elected last night (Thursday) new mayor of the capital of the Highlands, Setif, announced official sources. Mohammed Dib won the mayor’s office with 15962 votes against his opponent HARAKAT (HMS), which won 5686 votes.
The new mayor of Setif Mohamed Dib, born in Setif in 1955 (aged 52 years), is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale de l’Administration, ENA Algiers. He exercised his duties in wilayate of M’sila, Skikda, Oum-el-bouaghi, BBA, and finally Tébessa. He held this huge number of senior positions at various levels. The Chief of Staff of wilaya, division leader, Chief daïra finally director of the Regulations (of Tébessa from 1996 to 2000.
But his task will not be easy. The election of mayors in major cities in the country, as Setif, is a key issue.
Total participation rate throughout the wilaya of Sétif is 42.48% for the APC and 41.91% for APW.
By Setif Info
Setif Info