Accueil > (1999-2021) > Evénements > English edition > African Confederation Cup : ES Setif defeats Djoliba AC (Mali) 3-1

African Confederation Cup : ES Setif defeats Djoliba AC (Mali) 3-1

samedi 16 mai 2009, par La rédaction

The Algerian ES Setif club outplayed Friday in Setif province (300-km east of Algiers) the Malian team Djoliba AC (3-1), (2-1 at the half-time), in the first-leg match of the last round before the tournament of the African Confederation Cup (CAF).

Cisse scored first the only Malian goal on 28th minute, and Algerian Delhoum equalized one minute later (29th mn) and then Ziaya scored Algeria’s second goal on 31st minute. ES Setif third goal was scored on 59th minute by Francis Ambane in the second-half.
